Junior Programs

Red Ball Tennis​

Ages 4-8 Years

Slower balls, smaller courts and shorter rackets, enable players to play the game from the first lesson. Players start to play fun, team-based matches and develop good technique. Serving will be introduced and the foundations of starting a point will be built around this.

Orange Ball Tennis

Ages 8-10 Years

Players who are ready to move to a larger court, relevant to their size. Ball is slightly faster than at Red, but continues to provide an optimal striking zone. Players have the ability to implement more advanced tactics and continue to play both team and individual multi match events.

Green Ball Tennis

Ages 9-11 Years

The ball is still slower and lower bouncing than the yellow ball and players are now using the full court. Experienced players are able to continue to develop good technique and to implement advanced tactics while continuing match competition both team and individual.

Yellow Ball Tennis
Ages 11 Years +

Players who are ready to train and compete with the Yellow ball on the full court. Competent enough to serve, rally and score mean they can continue to develop in both technique and tactics. Matchplay can continue both team and individual. 

Performance Junior Tennis

This program is for advanced players looking to take their game to the next level. A custom designed program for aspiring competition tennis players which includes high intensity drills, a professional fitness schedule, matchplay and tactical awareness along with mental conditioning.